Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We're Speaking This Week!

I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I just registered to speak at the What A Woman Wants show this weekend at the South Town Expo Center. I'm going to speak on Donna Krech's "Your Seven Secrets To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off". It will be good being up speaking and I'm hoping for 10-15 participants, but nervous how it will all work out. Fortunately I'll have all day Friday to talk it up and see how the other presentations shake out so I can see what works and how to make my presentation.
When I met with Donna and Sandy earlier this month their suggestion was to speak more - so here I am trying to do what they say :). I hope this will have a better effect on getting our name out there than the KBULL Incredible Deal did. We didn't have any phone calls from that. I was very surprised and thought we'd get a lot! I'm absolutely in love with our approach to weight loss - apparently my passion hasn't caught on yet....so I'll keep working on that.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Go-Giver

My GREAT friend Sandy Esterle sent me the most Super Fantastic book I've read in a while. I was impressed by Bob Proctor's book "You Were Born Rich", but the book Sandy sent me really hit home - in fact I read clear through it in one day!
The "Go-Giver" presents 5 ideas for stratospheric success and they are:
1. The Law of Value - your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment
2. The Law of Compensation - Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them
3. The Law of Influence - Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interest first.
4. The Law of Authenticity - The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
5. The Law of Receptivity - The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.
It was such a good book, I would definitely recommend it to everyone!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bridal Extravaganza

Last week we participated in the bridal fair at the South Town Expo center. Tammy Quintana with Erikson Enterprises Great Clips helped us out immensely. She decorated our booth (which looked amazing) and helped us pass out coupons and talk with participants.
This is a picture of Jenn posing like the Thin&Healthy poster girl Kim Thorpe. While Jenn won't enjoy having this picture on the web, I think our members will like having it posted here.

Thin&Healthy at IHRSA

We made a quick trek to the lovely Las Vegas for the Thin&Healthy training this month. Donna Krech and Sandy Esterle each made a presentation and training. IHRSA attendees and vendors were invited to attend as well - which made it an even bigger deal than normal. Weight loss is such an important topic, and sports and fitness clubs are looking for and implementing systems to help stop the epidemic of obsity. Don't beleive it's an epidemic? Do a google search or glance at MSNBC, some people are calling it a pandemic!

While the driving to and from Vegas were not a lot of fun, being able to spend time with Donna, Marcia, Sandy, and Adah and ask questions about marketing, business, and life success were a great help to Jennifer and I. I even got my personal 1 on 1 photo with Donna.