Monday, August 31, 2009

Should sugar be taxed?

Number 1, it stimulates hunger; No. 2, it hurts your liver, and No. 3, it makes your brain want more.

I saw this article on KSL. Its part of a series they've published. It's been interesting see how it flows and the points the editors make.
Is sugar equal to tobacco when it comes to addiction?

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Tell a friend, bring them in and enter a drawing for a free gift


Come to “A New You” in Riverton and receive:

One Week Free
Trial Membership.

And Two Free Turbo Sonic Sessions.

1277 W 12600 S Ste 303 Riverton / 801-302-3800

Come see what Toning Beds can do for you!

You’re invited to experience a new
exciting approach to exercise.

Bring a friend and check us out! 
We’re hear to help you be a new and healthy you! 

We inspire you to be the change
you want to see.

Offered at “A New You“:

  • Toning Tables ~ No Sweat Exercise, Tone and Firm, Reduce Inches, No stress, No strain, Feel Better, Look Better
  • Thin and Healthy's Total Solution
  • Circuit Machines
  • Treadmills/Elliptical
  • Yoga
  • Cardio Classes
  • Turbo Kick
  • Foot Detox
  • Thin and Healthy Diet
  • HCG Diet
  • Massage Therapy
  • Body Wraps
  • Essential Oils
  • Reflexology
  • Hurley
  • Energy Work
  • Facials
  • Waxing
  • Pedicures
  • Kangen Water
  • Supplements
  • Workshops
  • Friendship and Fun!
Click here for more information on A New You.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Track The Clearing Cure Day 2

The clearing cure continues to blog about her experience on the 21 day challenge. How do you feel she is doing? Are any of the emotions or experiences she is going through something that strikes a chord with you?

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21 Day Challenge Open Enrollment Closes Monday!

What will you achieve in 21 Days? 21 Days is enough time to change a habit - and with what we've cooked up, you'll be able to DO MORE in LESS TIME!

If you're thinking about participating in the 21 Day Challenge with Thin&Healthy Utah and The Clearing Cure and want to ask questions or check out first hand what your competition looks like, stop by you must sign up BEFORE Sept 1st! That means you have Friday (Today) - Monday. You won't regret making this investment in yourself! Sign Up NOW!

21 Day Challenge Sign Up
Thin&Healthy’s Total Solution
9486 S 700 E Sandy, Utah

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Is gastric bypass the only option?

If food is a comfort, is gastric bypass a good option in helping someone lose weight and KEEP IT OFF? Without changing the old habits what will happen?

I've worked with Karen Burton of The Clearing Cure for several months and have had great success after she cleared my addiction to sugar, salt, and even helped with candida.

I am one who craves something sweet - especially after dinner. This is a dangerous habit and one I have had to use will power to stop. By working with the clearing cure, my cravings have stopped and I don't have the "need" for that sweet treat. I've found even cutting out processed foods (most of the one's I liked had PLENTY of added sugars) it's helped keep my sugar cravings under control.

We all have to learn what our triggers are and how to deal with them. It does not mean we have to cut things completely out. I still enjoy treats every so often - but I've learned how to control my cravings and been empowered to overcome them.

Gastric bypass would be temporary solution for me if I never learn to overcome my habits and emotional reactions - both triggers for me to turn to sugary comfort foods. Bypass, for me, would only enable me more and keep me thinking, "oh, just this little bit won't hurt - I don't eat enough for it to make a difference." I know me, and I know my tendencies. The best solution is the clearing solution, eating proper foods so I don't feel like I need to snack (another of my downfalls) and keeping my body active so I'm don't get bored and head for the cupboards.

What are your triggers? Find an easy solution to overcome them. Try the 21 Day Challenge with The Clearing Cure and Thin and Healthy Utah and let us help you take the stress out of getting healthy.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just feel younger by using it

This is what Kelli from KS says about the results she is getting from the It Works Stretch Mark & Anti Aging lotion. She is getting measurable results, and you can too.

"I have been using this product since August 2008. The results I noticed immediately was the way my hands felt and looked after using it once. My hands looked younger instantly....I also have been putting it on my arm because I have 20-year-old 2nd degree burns scars. My scars are literally disappearing!! They will never be completely gone, but they are fading. I love this product because it is making my skin look younger. I just feel younger since I've been using it, does that sounds silly or what?"

- Kelli from Wichita, KS

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Simple Stretch Marks Treatment

Stretch marks have a very ugly appearance and coupled with cellulite can take a toll on self confidence and self image. Stretch marks may occur from gaining weight, losing weight quickly or even pregnancy. All these situations result in rapid changes to body shape, which in turn affects your skin. Normal glowing skin can turn ugly and very unsightly.
The good news is there are simple treatments for stretch marks and their appearance. For one, if you are not getting proper nutrition, you may be more susceptible to getting stretch marks. Just changing your diet and eating habits in a more healthful way is an easy stretch mark treatment. Part of eating healthy is cutting out caffeine and tea which can make you dehydrated.
Keeping your skin hydrated and looking youthful is the goal It Works Body Slimming and Skin Care products. The Ultimate Applicator helps to tone, tighten, and hydrate skin and the skin care products help rejuvenate skin to give you luxuriously smooth and youthful skin all over. The It Works stretch mark treatments are painless and easy. Just think, in as little as 45 minutes you will be on your way to the smooth supple youthful skin you deserve.
To see the full line of It Works products visit

I am a former tub of lard

My Name is Viola Doll and I am a former tub of lard. Before Thin&Healthy I was falling apart. I had asthma and I was unable to walk any distance without my hips back and knees bothering me. I have a family history of diabetes and had gestational diabetes with my youngest son, so I was on track to develop type-2 diabetes. Sex was impossible I felt like I was suffocating, I was embarrassed to ride an airplane because I had to ask for a seat belt extension, Do you know how embarrassing it is to be marched to the front of a small plane because only the extra long seat belt will fit? How about having to ask someone to get things from higher shelves because your belly got in the way? Or go into a store with lots of pretty clothes only to find that your options were limited to maybe two or three selections if they had anything at all? I was miserable.
Then it got worse when I lost my job. I was depressed. So when the opportunity to relocate with my former company was presented to me I jumped at the chance. Little did I know, at the time, how much my life would change from that one seemingly simple decision.
I began my work and the settling in process began... I got to know the staff at my new job and feel more comfortable. Then one day something struck me, the manager was losing weight--a lot of weight in very little time!!! How was she doing it?
She had joined Thin and Healthy and had lost 16 lbs in just a few short weeks. I thought, "Could it work for me?" I decided to go for it. I was on my way to a healthier me. But did I really believe I would get to 150 pounds? That was about 1/2 of the almost 300 pounds I weighed in with? To tell the truth I didn't think it was possible. I had been on several plans before and always lost 25 to 35 pounds, but then became bored and quit after 2 months. Thin and Healthy was different. I wasn't eating skimpy bite size portions, but real amounts of good healthy food.
The weight started rolling off. I resisted exercise at first due to the health problems but after I lost 25 pounds, I bought a stationary bike secondhand and took baby steps on it starting with just a few minutes a day. Then the weight started coming off faster. In about 6 months I had lost 50 pounds. Wow real success without being hungry!!
Coming in to see the staff twice a week was something I looked forward to. The good news the scale held for me helped too. Better yet was my incredible joy at being able to do things. Like walking to sightsee in France, crossing my legs, and my personal favorite, wearing sexy high heels-which I had not been able to do for better than 20 years!!!! It was amazing buying my first sexy formal dress and finding out I had beautiful shoulders. It was great going to a convention with my husband and finding out his friends were flirting with me-Me!! That had NEVER happened to me, not ever!!!! And I rediscovered my relationship with my husband. He has a hard time now keeping up with all my energy and things VASTLY improved behind closed doors (haha).
What made the difference in this plan? I had to EAT! I had to MOVE and I had SUPPORT to do it. I felt valued!! Somebody cared what I was doing. The open door meant there was always a friend to discuss factors with. With the support I have lost just under 150 pounds and over 162 inches. This has helped me get into a size 14 instead of those horrible 30-32.

Let Thin&Healthy's Total Solution help you!
Click here for more info.
No Thin&Healthy Total Solution Center near you? We've got you covered with our Total Health Interactive (THI) Online program!

The Clearing Cure is blogging about Thin&Healthy Utah!

Karen is blogging about her experience with Thin And Healthy Utah. Have you been curious about what the Total Solution is but are to shy to find out for yourself? Follow Karen's blog as she starts her amazing transformation and journey. She keeps her blog in the "coaches corner" section of her site.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Weight Loss Total Solution: 3 Core Areas

Finally, you no longer have to settle for just part of the you can have the TOTAL SOLUTION and never need to lose weight again!
With Thin And Healthy's Total Solution, you'll never feel like your alone in your effort. Our coaching and support staff work with you, every step of the way, to achieve your weight loss goal. There are no embarrassing public meetings, just personalized attention in every facet of your journey to a healthier, happier you.
Best of all, every Thin And Healthy's Total Solution in-center or online membership GUARANTEES* an average loss of 2-7 lbs per week, and losing the weight is easy with our program.
The Thin And Healthy program focuses on 3 core areas which include:

  • Weight Loss

  • Movement

  • Life Success/Motivation
The appropriate balance between these core areas will result in developing not only the body you desire, but self confidence and personal development as well.
Our program includes several components, designed to teach you a healthier, happier, more balanced lifestyle, so you'll never need to lose weight again.
Learn more by visiting us online or by stopping by our place: 9486 S 700 E Sandy UT 84070

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What Is Thin And Healthy's Total Solution?

Are you asking yourself "What is the Total Solution?"

The answer is simple.

Thin And Healthy's Total Solution is your LAST STOP for weight loss! We exist to teach you a healthy lifestyle so you'll never need to lose weight again!

Thin and Healthy is a weight loss center unlike any other because it's designed specifically around you as an individual.

Unlike other one-size-fits-all dieting and weight loss approaches, Thin&Healthy focuses on finding the right solution that works with YOU and with YOUR lifestyle.

Thin And Healthy is NOT a "Diet". Diets don't work because they're not a long-term solution. And, permanent weight loss is NOT ABOUT THE FOOD. The secret to losing weight and keeping it off is actually about a balanced lifestyle that incorporates the things you love to eat with daily movement and proper motivation. That's why our program incorporates your 20 favorite foods, uses real grocery store foods, includes simple, easy and fun ways to move, and provides you with a vast motivation and support system.

Thin And Healthy Utah offers the Total Solution locally as well as online. If you took time to read this article, you REALLY need to take time to investigate the Total Solution a little more.

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Free Teleconference Open House


Yes, that's right. It is FREE and it is all done over the PHONE on your lunch hour. Karen will be doing these once a month. In these one hour sessions, she will go over what the energy system is and the logic behind psychological acupressure. Then Karen will teach you how to do a reversal and how to do Chakra positive affirmation tapping. At that point, she will open it up for a question and answer period. If you have questions ahead of time you can email her with them, or just ask in this forum. If you have relatives or friends you would like to introduce to this, this would be the forum to do it. All you need is a phone, a quiet place or a mute button, the code, and the paperwork Karen send to you.

Date: September 1st, 2009
Time: Noon to 1:00 p.m.

RSVP to and Karen will send you the phone number to call, the code that goes with it to enter the conference call, and the paperwork to go with what I teach. **THIS IS A LONG DISTANCE NUMBER**

Check out or call Thin&Healthy Utah (801)571-8870 for more information

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Reducing Stress To Reduce Belly Fat

Stress is being shown to play a significant role in a wide variety of conditions and disease states. Recent work from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and other major research centers has demonstrated that stress is a significant contributor to immune dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, other age-related disorders, and to excessive body fat.

Over 20% of adults have an obesity-like condition characterized by excessive bell fat. This condition is related to stress-induced hormone imbalances, especially imbalances of cortisol and DHEA. Until now, the only course of action for losing this fat has been stress reduction with exercise and diet.

Relora™ can normalize cortisol and DHEA levels in stressed individuals, induce relaxation, and act as an aid in controlling weight and stress related eating and drinking. Relora stabilizes levels of the stress hormone cortisol. That results in the levels of serotonin and dopamine (neurotransmitters that boost mood) being optimized. Also, levels of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, return to normal. Improved sleep rebalances gastric hormones so that the ratio of leptin (which signals satiety) is once again higher than ghrelin (which signals the body to eat more).

You can pick Relora™ up at our Thin&Healthy Utah location in Sandy, UT or order it by emailing us at:

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21 Day Challenge Preview

What will you achieve in 21 Days? 21 Days is enough time to change a habit - and with what we've cooked up, you'll be able to DO MORE in LESS TIME!

Want to learn more about the 21 Day Challenge or the Total Solution? Come to the preview at Thin and Healthy on Wednesday, August 26th and get the information you need to make an informed decision. Come ready to make a lifestyle change and we’ll get you started that night.

August 26th 5:00-7:00 pm
Thin&Healthy’s Total Solution
9486 S 700 E Sandy, Utah

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Did your metabolism take a detour?

Is the road you're on leading you where you want it to? Are you following a road map that will get you exactly where you want in life? Does it feel like your metabolism took a detour and stopped working?

We don't have control over a lot of things that happen to us, but one thing we do have control over is our health - are you driving your health or is your health driving you?

21 Day Challenge Preview @ Thin and Healthy
Want to learn more about the 21 Day Challenge or the Total Solution? Come to the preview at Thin and Healthy on Wednesday, August 26th and get the information you need to make an informed decision. Come ready to make a lifestyle change and we'll get you started that night.

August 26th 5:00-7:00 pm
Thin&Healthy's Total Solution
9486 S 700 E Sandy, Utah

21 Day Challenge Details
The Clearing Cure and Thin & Healthy Utah are joining forces to bring to you a 21- DAY CHALLENGE to super-charge you metabolism - but you must get started BEFORE SEPTEMBER! It's just $100.00 per person to participate, but bring a friend and you both can participate for $75.00 each.

THE CHALLENGE: The person with the highest percentage of weight loss in 21 Days Wins! With the assistance you'll get for the 21 Days - how much weight will you lose?

You must join the 21 Day Challenge by August 31st, 2009 to be eligible for the challenge. Awards will be given at the end of September.

We ENABLE you to take back control of your life and EMPOWER you to continue this new lifestyle past the challenge. Sign up and get moving in the right direction!

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Top 6 Causes Of Belly Fat

Ever wonder what the Top 6 Causes of Belly Fat are? You might be surprised to learn what these top belly fat causers are!
  • Stress > work, finances, family, weight
  • Hormones > imbalance or over-production
  • Muscle Tone > lack of abdominal muscle exercise
  • Actual Fat > overall fat cell content of body
  • Water > retaining water in body
  • Genetics > genes inherited from parents
According to government researchers, the link between stress, tension, and excess belly fat is clear. High levels of cortisol – a hormone produced during stress – can cause pound after pound of excess body fat to accumulate around your waist and belly… a health-threatening, figure-destroying condition affecting an estimated 47 million Americans… mostly women.

Check out Thin Members Online , or Thin&Healthy Utah for more information about how to lose belly fat and increase your metabolism.

Stress is being shown to play a significant role in a wide variety of conditions and disease states. Recent work from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and other major research centers has demonstrated that stress is a significant contributor to immune dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, other age-related disorders, and to excessive body fat. Over 20% of adults have an obesity-like condition characterized by excessive abdominal fat. This condition is related to stress-induced hormone imbalances, especially imbalances of cortisol and DHEA. Until now, the only course of action for losing this fat has been stress reduction with exercise and diet. Relora™ can normalize cortisol and DHEA levels in stressed individuals, induce relaxation, and act as an aid in controlling weight and stress related eating and drinking.

In a recent clinical trial of women who took Relora™ three times a day for two weeks, 90% reported that the herbal blend made them feel less anxious, 87% enjoyed more restful sleep and 81% were cured of stress related eating!

So in a nutshell, Relora stabilizes levels of the stress hormone cortisol. That results in the levels of serotonin and dopamine (neurotransmitters that boost mood) being optimized. Also, levels of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, return to normal. Improved sleep rebalances gastric hormones so that the ratio of leptin (which signals satiety) is once again higher than ghrelin (which signals the body to eat more).

You can pick Relora™ up at our Thin&Healthy location in Sandy, UT or order online by clicking on the online store link from our website (

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21 Day Weight Loss Challenge!

Sandy, Utah-August 20, 2009- Join us in making a healthier Utah by participating in the 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge. Thin and Healthy Utah is now offering the Total Solution in Sandy and Riverton Utah. Thin and Healthy's Total Solution is your last stop for permanent weight-loss and has a 2-7 lb per week guarantee! The Total Solution is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change.

A New You, of Riverton, The Clearing Cure, of WVC, and Thin and Healthy Utah, of Sandy, are issuing a 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge. The challenge: the person who has the highest percentage of weight loss in 21 days wins! Thin and Healthy Utah will provide a free metabolism evaluation for all 21 Day Challenge participants. You must join the 21 day challenge by August 31st, 2009 to be eligible. Awards will be given at the end of September.

With so many things out of our control, our health is one thing we still have control over. Make a change today for the better, and join us in making a healthier Utah. You do make a difference. For more information visit their website or stop by 9486 S 700 E (Union Square) in Sandy.


Jed Judd
Phone: 801-571-8870
Fax: 801-571-2371

We are on a mission to make a difference in our community. According to statistics 3 out of 4 Men and 2 out of 4 Women in Utah are at an unhealthy weight! Think about that 3 out of 4 Men! That's a staggering amount of us - so Thin and Healthy wants to make a difference by the year 2010. Go to, to request more information.
Also, If you would like us to share some healthy tips for your family, group, or business let me know

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5 Steps To Losing Belly Flab

The 5 Main Components In Losing Belly Fat

It is incredible to see that Thin and Healthy's Total Solution goes along with these 5 basic guidelines in healthy living and weight loss for permanent results.

We've found that it is the motivation that is missing in making a healthy lifestyle and reducing the risks of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and all the other diseases that are out there.

Heather Picken outlines 5 very simple and basic steps to help you lose that belly flab!!

First: You need to look at your nutrition. The main to look at is calories. Too little, too much they are the same. You need the right deficit to lose belly fat

Second: You need to get fish oils (6 grams) a day. These will help you lose fat. You need to focus on fat loss, not weight loss for permanent results. Keep adjusting your metabolism. You do this mainly through nutrition.

Thirdly: Your training program. Weight training and cardio. The right way to do cardio to lose belly fat is interval and HIIT (high intensity interval training). Heavy sets one week (6-8) reps followed by higher reps the next week (10-15). You need to vary your program. The key to getting rid of belly fat is INTENSITY (if you're not sweating and breathing heavy you need to push yourself harder).

Forth: Tracking your progress. Take your body fat every 2 weeks (measurements, pictures, and try on a pair of pants that is too small). Things can fluctuate, all of these things will give you a more accurate picture. Belly fat is not a linear process. Your body will plateau, so you need to tweak it.

Lastly: Most important is conditioning your mind to stay motivated. Everything you do is a mental process that goes along with losing belly fat too. Adapt a healthy lifestyle. Make the decision to be committed not just interested. Article source:

Thin and Healthy is 100% devoted to keeping you motivated and healthy living for a life time with permanent results. Losing weight is not as hard as many people of it. Changing your paradigm and having a well focused mind is key in getting you to your goal. Check out Thin And Healthy's Online program and how it addresses each of the 5 areas Heather points out.

We are on a mission to make a difference in our community. According to statistics 3 out of 4 Men and 2 out of 4 Women in Utah are at an unhealthy weight! Think about that 3 out of 4 Men! That's a staggering amount of us - so Thin and Healthy wants to make a difference by the year 2010. Go to, to request more information.

Also, If you would like us to share some healthy tips for your family, group, or business let us know at

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How To Avoid Packing On Belly Fat

You can’t down 3,000 calories a day and expect to lose your belly, but calories aren’t the entire story. Certain foods seem to pack on Belly Fat.

Last fall, experts from the ongoing Framingham Nutrition Studies reported that women who ate almost 400 fewer daily calories but chose the least nutritious foods had a 2 1/2 times higher risk of abdominal obesity than those who ate 400 more daily calories but made better choices. They also had dramatically higher risk of such serious health issues as Type 2 diabetes and heart attacks, says Barbara Millen, DPH, the study’s director of nutritional research. You don’t have to “diet”: Just fold these strategies into your life and watch the belly flab pare down.

Eat Fruits and Veggies

-Especially orange ones. Women trimmed their waists by replacing refined grains like white bread and simple or added sugar with carbs from fruits and vegetables, according to the latest review from Copenhagen University Hospital.

Besides packing in fiber, which keeps you feeling full longer, researchers suspect it’s the rich antioxidants, such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, that ward off belly fat. Carrots, cantaloupe, squash, and peaches are great sources of beta-carotene, while oranges, berries, and kiwi provide a good dose of C. To keep calories down, pick veggies like bell peppers before fruits, and choose fruits over juice.

Get more selenium

This cancer-fighting mineral is also linked to lower rates of belly flab, according to a survey of more than 8,000 Americans. People with low blood levels of selenium and other antioxidants had bigger waistlines than those with higher levels.

Selenium is found in many foods, but it can be hard to know if you’re getting the recommended 55 mcg a day because amounts vary based on the soil in which food is grown and the feed livestock consume. To meet your requirement, try a supplement or eat a varied diet. Also, opt for foods grown in different areas: such as grains from the Midwest, Vermont cheeses, and nuts from California.

Add some protein

Eating more protein keeps you full and boosts energy, which leads to overall weight loss and–for those over 40 –reduced belly fat in particular, according to findings from Skidmore College and Copenhagen University Hospital.

But studies show that eating high amounts of protein may stress the kidneys as they work to eliminate the excess, which can also cause calcium loss. Aim to get 25% of your calories from protein (if you eat 2,000 calories a day, that’s 500 from protein). Just make lean choices such as low-fat yogurt, fat-free milk, fish, and poultry. Nuts are another great source but can be high in calories, so have just five 1-ounce servings a week (an ounce is about 24 almonds, 18 cashews, or 35 peanuts). Thin&Healthy’s protein supplements are a great way to get 15 grams of extra protein without a ton of calories. Check them out in our online store or your local Thin&Healthy weight loss center.

Eat the right fats

Research from Spain shows it’s easier to stay slim eating monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil) and omega-3s (found mostly in fish but also in flaxseed and walnut oils and tofu), while omega-6 fats (prevalent in cereals, corn oil, baked goods, and eggs) caused belly flab to pile on.

Fats that should be eliminated completely: trans fats, which have no nutritional value and are mostly found in calorie-dense baked goods and chips. In a Wake Forest University study, monkeys eating a typical American diet for 6 years gained the human equivalent of 10 pounds more when the fat they ate was all trans fat, compared with those eating monounsaturated fat. Worse, “30% more fat was added in the abdominal region, and they had early signs of diabetes,” says researcher Kylie Kavanagh, DVM

See Thin and Healthy Utah’s website for more information – or to check out our online program.

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Are You Allergic to Money?

Financial stress can be a terrible monster and wreak havoc in our lives and put weight loss at a stand still! At Thin and Healthy Utah you better believe we've seen first hand the effects of financial stress in losing weight.

The Clearing Cure's Karen Burton explains in her article Help! I'm Allergic to Money how looking at money in the improper light will keep us from being able to acquire it - and our limiting beliefs will "create what is called a "set point" with regard to our wealth. We determine in our subconscious what amount we can make and feel comfortable doing it, all while bringing up the emotions that you aren't good enough to have a lot of money, or you're an evil person and will be judged as such. That amount we create in our minds is the amount we usually are making at this point in your life, and usually it is either not enough, or you can't seem to keep it in your hands and you go through it very fast, as you don't deserve this so you need to get rid of it before anyone notices."

"Money is naturally full of germs. It just passes through too many hands to not pick up something that your body would like to reject." As Karen points out, and "First of all, we need to clear the allergy that your body carries to money." I'm not allergic to very many things, BUT money is one that I DO NOT want to stay allergic to. By clearing the allergy, we can move forward to bringing our energy in sync with what we want.

"The next step would be the reversal." - or bring our subconscious in sync with our conscious will....some of us know this as will power. Will power to control our spending of money, use of money, and need for money. Everything needs to be in balance. This is an important concept to master, and one that Thin And Healthy Utah helps develop through the Life Success component.

By overcoming this HUGE stressor in our life and getting our finances under control, we have more freedom to focus on our health, without being run around by our finances. Karen's systematic approach to emotional freedom is amazing. I've experienced how wonderful the freedom can feel through The Clearing Cure. It is an empowering tool that really works. Read more of the article to see how The Clearing Cure can help you! Karen is hosting a Teleconference on "MONEY  BELIEF CLEARING" September 9th, 2009 - to see The Clearing Cure work in your life - join us on the call.

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You Can Lose that Belly Fat!

You can lose that belly!!

First you need to know what causes belly fat. How you eat is just as important as where you eat when it comes to weight gain. Larry Scherwitz and Deborah Kesten have identified seven specific eating patterns that make us overeat and that are linked to being overweight. This was reported from ABC'S “Good Morning America.” At Thin and Healthy Utah, we subscribe to these 7 steps for loosing that unwanted belly fat also.

The message is simple: Look at what your eating, and look at your relationship with food. Here are 7 examples to help you out. Each of these seven patterns of eating will negatively affect your relationship with food. Do you see yourself in any of these 7 categories?

1: Fresh Food, Fast Food – If you find yourself eating at McDonald's for lunch and then heating up packaged frozen foods at night, you're eating too much processed, high-calorie food. Where's the fresh food?

2: Food Fretting – Are you so concerned about what you eat that you experience negative and guilty feelings when you think about food?

3: Task Snacking – You're too busy to sit down and eat right. So you grab things to eat at your desk or in the car. If you're distracted when you eat and you're dining at the dashboard, chances are you'll eat more and gain weight.

4: Eating Atmosphere – Where you eat is as important as what you eat. When you dine in a calm setting, you're less likely to struggle with how much you eat.

5: Social Fare – People who eat alone tend to overeat. When we enjoy meals with others, we're far more likely to slow down and eat less.

6: Emotional Eating – Are you using food to manage your feelings?

7: Sensory/Spiritual Nourishment – People who eat this way are infusing their food with special meaning.

The study findings were published in Explore, a journal of science and healing.

For more information and help on overcoming bad dieting habits and learning how to eat a healthy diet grounded on the food guide pyramid check out Thin And Healthy Utah or Thin Members Online.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Have you heard of the PEHP Waist Aweigh Program yet?

Thin&Healthy Utah has been approved as a solution for the PEHP Waist Aweigh program. Here's how PEHP's Waist A Weight Program works:
You must have a current PEHP insurance policy holder to qualify. If you have a BMI of 35 or higher, you may qualify for PEHP Waist Aweigh program. It provides education, support, and encouragement for weight management and health improvement. Eligible members will be reimbursed up to $100 a month to join an approved weight-loss program. And if you lower your BMI to below 25, PEHP will congratulate you with a $200 cash rebate.
We here at Thin and Healthy want to give recognition to two of our members; Kelly and Donna Smith, who were just honored in the PEHP waist-aweigh bulletin.
Kelly and Donna are an amazing power couple. Both are diabetic, and have recently cut their medications by half!

Kelly, now 23+ pounds lighter will tell you that loosing weight is not an easy thing to do. But, he has the amazing support of his lovely wife, and the Thin and Healthy team. Making this an incredible journey for them both. Their goal: To be off the diabetic medications for good!
Donna, now 20+ pounds lighter will tell you that tracking food is very important. They now are aware of what they eat, and how much. They still have a ways to go, but they are off to a fantastic start.
Kelly and Donna are also featured on the Thin and Healthy website. Check it out to read their testimonials. The pair of them are very inspiring.
For more information on the PEHP program and what Thin&Healthy can do for you, go to

Posted via email from Thin's posterous

Is your weight loss metabolism working properly?

Tired of trying diet after diet and not getting permanent weight loss results? It can be very difficult to lose those extra pounds of body fat – especially if your weight loss metabolism doesn't seem to be working. Weight loss DOESN’T HAVE TO BE difficult if you go about it the right way!

One for the best things you can do is get your metabolism checked so you know what your body fat percentage is and how many calories your body burns each day. There are a number of calculators and methods to show you how to calculate your body fat percentage and metabolic rate available. If you’d like help, make sure you contact us at Thin & Healthy’s Total Solution and we can help you calculate your body fat. We’ll even calculate your lean weight and metabolic rate. Having a healthy body fat percentage is one key indicator in keeping weight off. The higher your body fat percentage is the harder it is to lose weight and more impossible it is to keep the weight off once you’ve lost it.

Posted via email from Thin's posterous

Sunday, August 16, 2009

3 Factors to Boost Your Metabolism

When it comes to increasing your metabolism for weight loss there are many theories out there - and maybe you've tried a few of them in the past. While it's true our metabolism is the key to weight loss, sometimes what we think is helping us lose weight and speed our metabolism up is in reality just slowing our metabolism down.

In simple terms our metabolism is how efficiently our body breaks down the foods and fuels we put inside it. The foods we eat and the way we move both have an effect on how our body is able to use the foods we eat.

Just eating less isn't going to help speed up your metabolism, in fact, in most cases is just slowing it down even more. Changing up your routines is going to help as well. And being consistent is a much a part of losing weight and speeding up your metabolism as anything.

3 factors to increasing our metabolism are:

1. What we eat

2. Amount of Activity

3. Amount of Lean Muscle

If you're interested in leaning how to speed your metabolism up you need to first start with identifying what is going to keep you from achieving success and how you are going to stay consistent. Having a plan, even loosely identified, will ensure you not just get to your goal, but that you can maintain it.

Anyone can follow a program for 30-90 days - but can you make lifestyle changes that will help you maintain the results once you get there? The best weight loss program is one you can stick with for the rest of your life. That should be the real goal. If you turn to pills, caffeine, green tea, cutting out food, working out hard in the gym - are you prepared to do that for the rest of your life, to buy the products or keep the intensity? The best weight loss pill is in changing your lifestyle to support you keeping your weight off naturally and fit in with the way you want to live.

At Thin And Healthy, we coach our members through finding things they like to do - with several options so they will do them for the rest of their lives. We help show them how to find alternatives and plan ahead to keep from losing focus - so when they get to their goals, they have the tools to stay there for the rest of their lives.

If you would like to build your success on our proven three-part system, go to You can look into our online program our elect for one-on-one coaching from our expert staff.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lose Body Fat And Stop Metabolism Slow Down

Tired of trying diet after diet and not getting permanent weight loss results? It can be very difficult to lose those extra pounds of body fat - especially if your weight loss metabolism (as I fondly refer to it) has slowed down. Weight loss DOESN'T HAVE TO BE difficult if you go about it the right way!

One of the best things you can do is get your metabolism checked so you know what your body fat percentage is and how many calories your body burns each day. There are a number of calculators and methods to show you how to calculate your body fat percentage and metabolic rate available. If you'd like help, make sure you contact us at Thin & Healthy's Total Solution and we can help you calculate your body fat. We'll even calculate your lean weight and metabolic rate. Having a healthy body fat percentage is one key indicator in keeping weight off. The higher your body fat percentage is the harder it is to lose weight and more imposible it is to keep the weight off once you've lost it.

We recommend the average body fat for a man to be from 13-18 percent and women to be between 18-25 percent. The average body fat we see is up around 30 percent, which is exteremly high. Tracking the body fat percentage is as important as watching weight fall off on the scale. If the body fat percentage doesn't change as you're losing weight, you can expect any lost weight to come back on quickly.

It's not that body fat is the most important value in the weigh loss equation - but body fat is one value used to calculate the rate your body burns calories. The lower your body fat percentage is, the highter your lean weight is - and lean weight is what burns calories. To achieve permanent weight loss results, your body needs to burn calories efficiently - and that means turbo charching your metabolism.

Another great resource for knowing how to burn fat and know what calorie buring zone you are in, is in a graduated cardio test. This test will show you how to get your fat burning program and metabolism back on track. As you lose weight, speed up your metabolism, and burn body fat, your fat burning zones will change, so simply performing a graduated cardio test semi-regularly (quarterly or semi-annually) will help keep you on track to changing flab to fab.

Losing weight doesn't have to be difficult - you just need to do it the right way. Diet after diet is NOT the right answer - look around you - the typical American has been on 10-20 different diets in the last 3-5 years! Are many of them keeping their weight off? The answer is an astounding - NO!

We'll show you the secrets to losing weight, and give you a program that will help you KEEP YOUR WEIGHT OFF. We'll work with you to super charge your metabolism, burn calories while you sleep, and help you eat your favorite foods to boot! When you're serious about changing your body fat percentage, want to know how to calculate your body fat percentage, or find out how efficient your metabolism is - let us know, we can help.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Belly Flab

Do you have Belly Flab and want to get rid of it? Having a flabby belly can be an irritating and confidence draining occurrence that is not always easy to eliminate. There are hundreds of sites out there claiming to have the cure for toning and tightening the tummy....but losing the muffin top or beer belly fat should be something you consider carefully and one you can put a plan together so you can get permanent results. The "battle of the bulge" as many people have termed it has been a battle many people in America are losing these days.
First: Where did the belly flab come from - having a baby, drinking beer, stress eating, having your life out of balance, divorce, improper nutrition, not enough exercise? There are a number of reasons where the belly flab will come from - and owning up to what put yours there is the first step. Belly flab for girls and belly flab for men and women can be quite different and come from different sources and reasons.
Second: Identify what the road blocks are to getting rid of the flab around your belly. What is stopping you from getting it off right now - no time, don't know how to do it, tried to lose flab in the past only to gain more, you believe it costs more to eat healthy....there can be a number of road blocks.
Third: Decide why you want to change. If you don't get rid of this belly flab, is it OK. If it's not OK, why do you need to change it. Not knowing why you want to change will stop you dead in your tracks and impede your progress.
Once you've identified where the belly flab came from, what's stopping you from getting rid of the belly fat, and why you want to change, you need to put a plan in place to get rid of the belly fat.
In the case of a beer belly - are you willing to cut back (or out) the drinking? You know that's where the belly flab came from - are you willing to change your lifestyle to keep the fat off for good? If you have a muffin top from having a baby and haven't been able to get back to your pre-baby shape because you can't make it to the gym like you did before, are you willing to do something else where you don't have to go to the gym like a work-out video at home, taking the baby for a walk in the stroller, or even joining a weight loss facility to provide some accountability and provide some education on how to lose the belly flab for good.
There is no reason to get so frustrated with losing weight, belly flab, beer belly fat, or having a slow metabolism that you give up and resign yourself to a flabby body that keeps you feeling unhappy!
One of the biggest components in permanent results has got to be changing your mindset. Think about it, how do you feel about your belly flab right now? If you were to look at yourself in the mirror - what are 3 feeling words you would use to describe how you feel? How long have you been feeling those feelings? Feelings that are limiting or negative will keep you right where you're at - you've got to change how you feel about yourself and focus on how you will feel once that belly flab is gone!
The Clearing Cure and Thin&Healthy's Total Solution both help provide the structure, guidance, systems, and empowerment to help you achieve the success that you are looking for. Countless others have found this information before you. Some have looked into our programs and found the education and empowerment they needed to make a permanent change - while others move on without looking or calling to find out if they are a fit for what we do. They continue their search for a magic pill they hope will take away their belly flab and only find more frustration trying more solutions that don't work and only suck their finances dry. You decide where you are in your quest for a permanent solution. When you're ready to at least review some information, follow the links below.
Thin&Heatlhy Online
The Clearing Cure