Sunday, May 31, 2009

6 Steps to a Slimmer Summer Body

Weight control usually involves finding the right balance between calories in and calories out. But research also suggests the way your body burns energy may be just as important.

The Moses Taylor Hospital in Pennsylvania offers these tips for accelerating your metabolism and get your body ready for summer!

1. Don't starve yourself -- it causes your resting metabolic rate to drop. Eat your balanced THI meals and use your healthy snack options to keep your metabolism burning all day long!

2. Exercise longer. Only after 30 minutes of intense exercise does your body begin to burn stored fat for energy. During your workout today, add 1-2 minutes, and tomorrow add another minute!

3. Choose high-energy exercise, such as walking, biking, cross country skiing, swimming or step aerobics. Take a class or get a trainer to push you to the next level of calorie burning!

4. Vary your workout. Try changing your routine every six weeks. Not only will you not get bored from your routine, your body will not hit plateaus and you will continue slimming!

5. Eat a good breakfast. By good, we mean balanced with your protein, carbs and other options found in our THI meal plans.

6. Avoid alcohol and smoking. Both inhibit the burning of abdominal fat. Those refreshing drinks are tempting this summer but remember how great it will taste when your abs are smooth and slim because you stayed focused on your goal! Remember, everything is great moderation!

For more information see Thin And Healthy Utah's website for more information.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can this really be better than Chocolate?

I have found something that is the best thing since CHOCOLATE! And that may be an understatement!

I would like to introduce a new product called, It Works! Body Wraps They are fabric wraps that have special herbs that go in and actually dissolve away body fat! You put it on, wrap it in place, and leave it on for 45 minutes (or all night). It rids your body of toxins, so drinking ample amounts of water is essential. This allows you to lose inches on the first application and you continue to lose over the next three days. This lasts anywhere from 2-6 months, which is ample enough time, with the right incentive, to make it permanent with learning to eat right, and exercise. This is a GREAT way to tone up your skin after losing that weight, as well. It takes that extra skin and tones it up, and reduces it with each application. Kerrie, Marie, and Karen all had noticeable differences from their very first application.

I look at this as the ultimate in motivational techniques! Use it while going though one of our programs and you will see noticeable results along the way while retraining your mind and body to eat right and to enjoy exercise. Karen is introducing new motivational techniques and eating pattern retraining using acupressure that will help you gain that motivation and control.

I am so excited about these that I am partnering up with The Clearing Cure's, Karen Burton, to bring these to you in a party to let you try them out for yourself at a substantially reduced price. In addition, Karen is offering to teach some facial lymph massage with essential oils, lymph acupressure points, and clearing all the emotional clogs that are clogging up your lymph system, circulatory system, and any swelling or edema. This is a $75.00 value, as it is an hour of clearing that you will get ABSOLUTELY FREE, with this party. Getting your lymph system and circulatory system working properly in weight loss is critical.

It is critical that we get an RSVP for us to hold you a spot. The spots are going fast, as this is being advertised all over the valley. There will be two locations in which the parties are being held to accommodate everyone, as well as one party during the day to accommodate mothers who are home. However, this is not limited to just women! Men benefit from this just as much!

We hope to see you soon!

Host/Hostess: Jed Judd (Total Solutions) and Karen Burton (The Clearing Cure)
Tuesday, June 2nd, 7:00-9:00 p.m. - 3821 South 6300 West, West Valley - 801-967-5113, Karen (RSVP)

Wednesday, June 3rd, 7:00-9:00 p.m. - 9486 South 700 East, Sandy - 801-571-8870, Jed (RSVP)

Thursday, June 4th, 10:00-12:00 a.m. - 3821 South 6300 West, West Valley - 801-967-5113, Karen (RSVP)

Cost: $25.00 show special - includes one wrap, essential oils for lymph massage, EFT clearing of emotions, and learning techniques for getting lymph moving ($75.00 value).

I hope to see everyone there!

Get more information at:

Monday, May 25, 2009

What can peppermint do for you?

Did you know that the scent of peppermint can curb your appetite and relieve a headache? It's true.

Curb Appetite: In a study from Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia - People who regularly smelled peppermint ate 23 percent fewer calories per week.

Relieve Headache: In this double-blind study, researchers found that an ethanol solution containing 10% peppermint oil was as effective in relieving headache pain as 1,000 mg of acetaminophen. In another study, 32 people with headaches massaged peppermint oil on their temples. The results showed that the peppermint oil significantly relieved their pain.

I love all things peppermint. Here are some ways you can introduce the scent of peppermint into your daily life...

Peppermint Oil - Keep some in your purse or at your desk and smell it periodically throughout the day.
Enjoy a cup of Peppermint Tea.
Carry some peppermint gum or mints with you.
Grow your own peppermint.

Another way to curb your appetite with peppermint is to brush your teeth. I know that sounds strange, but if you are in between meals and feeling hungry, try brushing your teeth. It really works.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How Important is Eathing Breakfast?

Breakfast eaters are champions of good health.

Research shows people who have a morning meal tend to take in more vitamins and minerals, and less fat and cholesterol. The result is often a leaner body, lower cholesterol count, and less chance of overeating.

"That one act [of eating breakfast] seems to make a difference in people's overall weight," says Melinda Johnson, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). She says breakfast can hold off hunger pangs until lunchtime and make high-calorie vending machine options less enticing.

Not only that, researchers at the 2003 American Heart Association conference reported that breakfast eaters are significantly less likely to be obese and get diabetes compared with nonbreakfast eaters.

Another study in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition showed that people who consumed breakfast cereal every day reported feeling better both physically and mentally than those who rarely ate cereal in the morning.

For kids, breakfast appears to enhance alertness, attention, and performance on standardized achievement tests, reports the ADA.